{"variable":"studyid","description":"PEDALFAST Patient ID"} {"variable":"age","description":"Age, in days, at time of admission"} {"variable":"female","description":"Is the patient female?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"sourceinj","description":"Source of Injury Information"} {"variable":"injurytoadmit","description":"Days from injury, if known, to admission."} {"variable":"injurymech","description":"Injury mechanism","values":"1, traffic | 2, fall | 3, known or suspected abuse | 4, self-harm | 9, other"} {"variable":"gcsyned","description":"Was a GCS obtained in the ED?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"gcseyeed","description":"ED GCS Eye","values":"4, spontaneous | 3, to speech | 2, to pain only | 1, no response"} {"variable":"gcsverbaled","description":"ED GCS Verbal","values":"5, oriented, appropriate or coos and babbles | 4, confused or irritable cries | 3, inappropriate words or cries to pain | 2, incomprehensible sounds or moans to pain | 1, no response"} {"variable":"gcsmotored","description":"ED GCS Motor","values":"6, obeys commands | 5, localizes pain or withdraws to touch | 4, withdraws from painful stimuli | 3, abnormal flexion to pain | 2, abnormal extension to pain | 1, no response/flaccid"} {"variable":"gcsed","description":"ED GCS Total","values":"[gcseyeed]+[gcsverbaled]+[gcsmotored]"} {"variable":"gcsetted","description":"Was the patient intubated at the time of their ED GCS assessment?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"gcsseded","description":"Was the patient sedated at the time of their ED GCS assessment?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"gcspared","description":"Was the patient chemically paralyzed at the time of their ED GCS assessment?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"gcseyeobed","description":"Were the patient's eyes obscured by injury, swelling, or bandage at the time of their ED GCS assessment?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"eddisposition","description":"Where did the patient go when they left the ED?"} {"variable":"admittoct","description":"days between admission at CT imaging","values":"Integer (days)"} {"variable":"ctskullfrac","description":"Is the initial head CT positive for skull fracture?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"ctce","description":"Is the initial head CT positive for cerebral edema or brain swelling?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"ctmidlineshift","description":"Is the initial head CT positive for midline shift?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"ctcompress","description":"Is the initial head CT positive for compression or effacement of the basilar cisterns?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"ctintraparhem","description":"Is the initial head CT positive for intraparenchymal hemorrhage?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"ctsubarchhem","description":"Is the initial head CT positive for subarachnoid hemorrhage?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"ctintraventhem","description":"Is the initial head CT positive for intraventricular hemorrhage?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"ctsubhematoma","description":"Is the initial head CT positive for subdural hematoma?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"ctepihematoma","description":"Is the initial head CT positive for epidural hematoma?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"sourceicu","description":"Source of Injury Information"} {"variable":"puplrcticu","description":"Pupillary reaction on ICU admission"} {"variable":"gcsynicu","description":"Was a GCS obtained on ICU Admission?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"gcseyeicu","description":"ICU GCS Eye","values":"4, spontaneous | 3, to speech | 2, to pain only | 1, no response"} {"variable":"gcsverbalicu","description":"ICU GCS Verbal","values":"5, oriented, appropriate or coos and babbles | 4, confused or irritable cries | 3, inappropriate words or cries to pain | 2, incomprehensible sounds or moans to pain | 1, no response"} {"variable":"gcsmotoricu","description":"ICU GCS Motor","values":"6, obeys commands | 5, localizes pain or withdraws to touch | 4, withdraws from painful stimuli | 3, abnormal flexion to pain | 2, abnormal extension to pain | 1, no response/flaccid"} {"variable":"gcsicu","description":"ICU GCS Total","values":"[gcseyeicu]+[gcsverbalicu]+[gcsmotoricu]"} {"variable":"gcsetticu","description":"Was the patient intubated at the time of their ICU GCS assessment?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"gcssedicu","description":"Was the patient sedated at the time of their ICU GCS assessment?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"gcsparicu","description":"Was the patient chemically paralyzed at the time of their ICU GCS assessment?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"gcseyeobicu","description":"Were the patient's eyes obscured by injury, swelling, or bandage at the time of their ICU GCS assessment?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittoicudc1","description":"Days from admit to ICU discharge for the initial ICU admission.","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoicudc2","description":"Days from admit to ICU discharge for the second ICU admission (first readmission)","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoicudc3","description":"Days from admit to ICU discharge for the third ICU admission (second readmission)","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoicuadmit2","description":"Days from admit to second ICU admission (first readmission)","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoicuadmit3","description":"Days from admit to third ICU admission (second readmission)","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"ventyn","description":"Did the patient receive invasive Mechanical Ventilation during this admission?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittoint","description":"Days from admit to intubation","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoext","description":"Days from admit to extubation","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"icpyn1","description":"Did the patient receive an ICP Monitor?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"icptype1","description":"First ICP monitor type"} {"variable":"icptype2","description":"Second ICP monitor type"} {"variable":"icptype3","description":"Third ICP monitor type"} {"variable":"admittoicpstart1","description":"Days from admission to first ICP monitor","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoicpstart2","description":"Days from admission to second ICP monitor","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoicpstart3","description":"Days from admission to third ICP monitor","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoicpend1","description":"Days from admission to removal of first ICP monitor","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoicpend2","description":"Days from admission to removal of second ICP monitor","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittoicpend3","description":"Days from admission to removal of third ICP monitor","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"cathtype1","description":"Type of first invasive vascular catheter"} {"variable":"cathtype2","description":"Type of second invasive vascular catheter"} {"variable":"cathtype3","description":"Type of third invasive vascular catheter"} {"variable":"cathtype4","description":"Type of fourth invasive vascular catheter"} {"variable":"admittocathstart1","description":"Days from admission to first catheter","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittocathstart2","description":"Days from admission to second catheter","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittocathstart3","description":"Days from admission to third catheter","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittocathstart4","description":"Days from admission to fourth catheter","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittocathend1","description":"Days from admission to removal of first catheter","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittocathend2","description":"Days from admission to removal of second catheter","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittocathend3","description":"Days from admission to removal of third catheter","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"admittocathend4","description":"Days from admission to removal of fourth catheter","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"newtrachyn","description":"Did the patient receive a new tracheostomy?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittotrach","description":"Days from admission to tracheostomy","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"newgastyn","description":"Did the patient receive a new gastrostomy?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittogast","description":"Days from admission to gastrostomy","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"decomcranyn","description":"Did the patient receive a decompressive craniectomy?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittocrani","description":"Days from admission to decompressive craniectomy","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"lmbrdrainyn","description":"Did the patient receive a new lumbar drain","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittolmbdrain","description":"Days from admission to lumbar drain","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"epihemyn","description":"Did the patient have an epidural hematoma evacuated?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittoedhevac","description":"Days from admission to evacuation of epidural hematoma","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"subhemyn","description":"Did the patient have a subdural hematoma evacuated?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittosdhevac","description":"Days from admission to evacuation of subdural hematoma","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"rxhypsal","description":"Was hypertonic saline ordered?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"rxmann","description":"Was mannitol ordered?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"rxbarb","description":"Was a barbiturate ordered?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"rxinotrvas","description":"Was an inotrope or vasopressor ordered?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"tpnyn","description":"Did the patient receive TPN?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittotpn","description":"Days from admission to first TPN","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"entnutyn","description":"Did the patient receive enteral nutrition?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittoentnut","description":"Days from admission to enteral nutrition","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"hosplos","description":"Hospital length of stay (days)","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"hospdisposition","description":"Where did the patient go when they were discharged from the hospital?","values":"character"} {"variable":"cardiacarrestyn","description":"Did the patient have a cardiac arrest at any time from the time of injury to the time of hospital discharge?","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"cardiacarrestprehosp","description":"Cardiac arrest pre hospital","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"cardiacarrested","description":"Cardiac arrest emergency department","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"cardiacarrestor","description":"Cardiac arrest operating room","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"cardiacarrestcu","description":"Cardiac arrest ICU","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"cardiacarrestoter","description":"Cardiac arrest other","values":"0, no | 1, yes"} {"variable":"admittofss","description":"Days from admission to FSS evaluation","values":"integer (days)"} {"variable":"sourcefss","description":"Source of FSS evaluation"} {"variable":"fssmental","description":"FSS Mental Status","values":"1, Normal sleep/wake periods; appropriate responsiveness | 2, Sleepy but arousable to noise/touch/movement and/or periods of social nonresponsiveness | 3, Lethargic and/or irritable | 4, Minimal arousal to stimuli (stupor) | 5, Unresponsive, coma, and/or vegetative state"} {"variable":"fsssensory","description":"FSS Sensory","values":"1, Intact hearing and vision and responsive to touch | 2, Suspected hearing or vision loss | 3, Not reactive to one of auditory stimuli or visual stimuli | 4, Not reactive to either auditory or visual stimuli | 5, Abnormal responses to pain or touch"} {"variable":"fsscommun","description":"FSS Communication","values":"1, Appropriate noncrying vocalizations, interactive facial expressiveness, or gestures | 2, Diminished vocalization, facial expression, and/or social responsiveness | 3, Absence of attention-getting behavior | 4, No demonstration of discomfort | 5, Absence of communication"} {"variable":"fssmotor","description":"FSS Motor","values":"1, Coordinated body movements, normal muscle control, and awareness of action and reason | 2, One limb functionally impaired | 3, Two or more limbs functionally impaired | 4, Poor head control | 5, Diffuse spasticity, paralysis, or decerebrate/decorticate posturing"} {"variable":"fssfeeding","description":"FSS Feeding","values":"1, All food taken by mouth with age-appropriate help | 2, Nothing by mouth or need for age-inappropriate help with feeding | 3, Oral and tube feedings | 4, Parenteral nutrition with oral or tube feedings | 5, All parenteral nutrition"} {"variable":"fssresp","description":"FSS Respiratory","values":"1, Room air and no artificial support or aids | 2, Oxygen treatment and/or suctioning | 3, Tracheostomy for airway | 4, Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP/BIPAP) for all or part of the day and/or mechanical ventilator support for part of the day | 5, Mechanical ventilatory support for all of the day and night"}